Students marching and holding protest signs

Photo Album

Kids At a Trunk or Treat getting candy from a blue sportscar
Four kids in pokemon and spiderman costumes smiling for a picture
Students in line at a trunk or treat
A profile of a red sportscar
Kids posing with a candy-giver and his sportscar
Child smiling for a photo while wearing a halloween costume and a coat
Candy-givers reaching out to hand students candy
A fake spider hanging from the hood of a sportscar with a student walking towards the car
Students receiving candy from a blue sportscar while more students wait their turn
The hood of a red sportscar in focus with the tail of a yellow sportscar out of focus. Candy-givers wait for trick-or-treaters in the background
Two costumed children petting a wagging dog
Child in a scary jester costume
Group of students in costumes posing for a picture while holding their candy bags
Mom and daughter smiling while sitting in the back of their car to hand out candy
Close up of a car decorated with an orange skeleton and balloons
Two students in costumes and coats posing together for a photo