Students marching and holding protest signs

Celebrating Reading Reading Month at Home

Dear Eaton Academy Families,
As we embark on the journey of Reading Month, we are excited to offer you creative and engaging ways to celebrate the joy of reading within the cozy confines of your home. Whether your child is just beginning their reading adventure in pre-K or navigating the literary landscapes of 8th grade, fostering a love for reading is a voyage filled with wonder, discovery, and boundless imagination.
Transform a corner of your home into a haven of literary delight, adorned with soft cushions, warm blankets, and shelves brimming with your child's favorite books. Encourage them to retreat to this sanctuary, where they can immerse themselves in captivating tales and embark on extraordinary adventures between the pages of a book.
Gather your family around for a weekly rendezvous of literary exploration with a Family Book Club. Select a book that appeals to readers of all ages and embark on a shared journey of discovery. Engage in lively discussions, share favorite passages, and revel in the magic of storytelling as you bond over the power of words.
Expand your child's literary horizons by introducing them to a diverse array of genres, from the enchanting realms of fantasy and science fiction to the captivating narratives of historical fiction and biographies. Set aside dedicated time each week to explore a new genre together, encouraging your child to follow their curiosity and explore the vast tapestry of human experience through the written word.
Infuse reading into the fabric of your daily routines, weaving it seamlessly into activities such as mealtime, bath time, or bedtime. Select books that resonate with your child's interests and invite them to participate in the storytelling process, whether by reading aloud or following along as you share a beloved tale.
Encourage your child to unleash their imagination through the art of storytelling. Provide them with writing prompts, storytelling games, or blank journals where they can give voice to their creativity and bring their wildest dreams to life through words.
Embrace the wonders of technology by partaking in virtual author visits and read-alouds hosted by libraries, bookstores, and educational organizations. These online events offer a unique opportunity for your child to connect with their favorite authors, discover new literary treasures, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the magic of storytelling.
Celebrate your child's reading milestones, whether it's conquering a challenging chapter book, mastering a new reading skill, or reaching a milestone in pages read. Shower them with praise, encouragement, and perhaps a special treat or outing to the local bookstore as a token of appreciation for their dedication and perseverance.
Lead by example and cultivate a culture of reading within your household by showcasing your own love of literature. Set aside time each day to indulge in your favorite books, and let your child witness firsthand the joy and fulfillment that reading brings to your life.
As we embark on this journey of celebrating Reading Month at home, let us embrace the magic of storytelling and the endless possibilities that reading affords. Together, let us inspire a lifelong love of reading in our children and create cherished memories that will endure for years to come.
Happy Reading Month!
Warm regards,
The Eaton Academy Staff