Students marching and holding protest signs

End of the Third Quarter on April 5

Dear Eaton Academy Families,
The end of the third quarter is April 5, 2024, with teachers entering quarter grades into Skyward in the following days. Because of this, if your scholar has any outstanding assignments that need to be turned in, please have them do so by Friday, March 22, 2024.
As the end of the third quarter approaches (with grades available in the coming weeks), it's a time for reflection and self assessment at Eaton Academy. With each passing quarter, we witness the growth, achievements, and challenges of our students, educators, and community. As we prepare to conclude another chapter in the academic year, let's take a moment to celebrate our accomplishments and set our sights on the possibilities that lie ahead.
The end of the third quarter is a perfect opportunity to reflect on the achievements and progress made by our students. From academic accomplishments to personal growth and extracurricular achievements, each success is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our students and educators. Whether it's mastering a challenging concept, excelling in a competition, or demonstrating leadership skills, every achievement deserves recognition and celebration.
As we bid farewell to the third quarter, we look ahead with a renewed sense of focus and determination. With the start of a new quarter comes the opportunity for fresh beginnings, setting new goals, and pursuing our aspirations with vigor. Whether it's academic goals, personal development objectives, or community initiatives, the start of a new quarter offers a blank canvas for us to paint our aspirations. At Eaton Academy, we encourage our students to set meaningful goals, stay focused on their aspirations, and strive for excellence in all endeavors.

Eaton Academy Staff